Form1 Integer Math Calculator Form1% Operand1Box OperatorBox Operand2Box ResultBox ErrorMessageBox ExecuteBtn Execute QuitBtn Operand1Lbl Operand 1 OperatorLbl Operator Operand2Lbl Operand 2 ResultLbl Result ErrorMessageLbl Error Message Command2_Click QuitBtn_Click StoreBtn_Click VariableBox ErrorMessageBox Index ResultBox ResultBox_Change OperatorBox_Change Operand2Box_Change Operand1Box_ChangeD Label6_ClickT Label5_Clickd Label4_Clickt Label3_Click Label2_Click< Label1_Click Form_Click ExecuteBtn_Click, ErrorMessageBox_Change Operand1Box Operand2Box+ OperatorBox ErrorFlag Xchar YChar= Cchar VariableBox_Changep ErrorMesageBox{ ASCII_A TheVars InvalidY False InValifY ErrorMsesageBox ErrorMes sageBox IfEnd ErroressageBox InValid numeric operand5 displayJ Operand1Lbl_Click_ Operand2Lbl_Click OperatorLbl_ClickL ErrorMessageLbl_Click OperatorBox_DragDropI Source_ OperatorBox_DragOver State OperatorBox_GotFocus OperatorBox_KeyDown KeyCode7 Shift| OperatorBox_KeyPress KeyAscii OperatorBox_KeyUp ResultLbl_Clicki Op1Strs Op2Str OpStr Operand1Box_KeyPressd Operand2Box_KeyPress ExecuteBtn_KeyUp ExecuteBtn_KeyDown ExecuteBtn_KeyPress ExecuteBtn_DragOver ExecuteBtn_DragDrop ExecuteBtn_LostFocus Strin BackspaceV character DigitCount Operand1Box_GotFocus ErrorMessageLbl_Click ExecuteBtn_Click clear error message box clear result boxa examine the content of the OperatorBox text box SUBTRACT MULTIPLY DIVIDE Division by zero error MODULO Modulo of zero error Invalid operator if the error message box is still empty, there is no error. Therefore, convert the variable Z into a string and display it in ResultBoxr Label3_Click Label5_Click clear the error message text boxb Operand1Box_GotFocus Operand1Box_KeyPress is the KeyAscii the ASCII code fora the Backspace character?I Operand2Box_KeyPress is the KeyAscii the ASCII code fora the Backspace character?I OperatorBox_KeyPress convert ASCII code to character convert to uppercaseo convert character to ASCII code QuitBtn_Click